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[註: MEMO是備忘系列文件]
在我的經驗裡,SQL Server Import Data Wizard在匯入Excel資料時,常有些資料型別、語系轉換的瑣雜問題,搞下來,與其花時間排除這些茶包、茶葉、茶梗,還不如自己寫Code比較快。
以下是我今天寫的一小段VBA Code,可以由第一欄取出欄位名稱,然後找出各欄最大長度作為NVARCHAR(n)的依據,然後再產生INSRT INTO的Script。
Sub GenInsertScript()
Dim iColCount As Integer, iRowCount As Integer
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
Dim sColNames(1024) As String, iColMaxLen(1024) As Integer
With ActiveSheet
I = 1
While .Cells(1, I) <> ""
sColNames(I) = .Cells(1, I)
iColCount = I
I = I + 1
I = 2
'Find max length for every column
While .Cells(I, 1) <> ""
For J = 1 To iColCount
K = Len(.Cells(I, J))
If (K > iColMaxLen(J)) Then iColMaxLen(J) = K
Next J
iRowCount = I
I = I + 1
Dim sTableName As String
sTableName = "RawData"
'Generate script
Open "C:\Temp\Import.sql" For Output As #1
Print #1, "CREATE TABLE " & sTableName & " ("
For I = 1 To iColCount
If (I > 1) Then Print #1, ",";
Print #1, sColNames(I) & " NVARCHAR(" & iColMaxLen(I) & ")"
Next I
Print #1, ")"
For I = 2 To iRowCount
Print #1, "INSERT INTO " & sTableName & " VALUES (";
For J = 1 To iColCount
If (J > 1) Then Print #1, ",";
Print #1, "'" & Replace(.Cells(I, J), "'", "''") & "'";
Next J
Print #1, ")"
Next I
Close #1
End With
End Sub
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