程式寫到一個查詢方法,規格為傳入名稱查詢 Profile 物件,本想寫成 public Profile GetProfile(string name) => Profiles.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name == name);,但規格要求 name 參數不可為 null 或空白,查不到 Profile 需拋出例外,故我退回了傳統寫法:

public Profile GetProfile(string name) {
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentException($"name cannot be null");
    var profile = Profiles.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name == name);
    if (profile == null) throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find profile for {name}");
    return profile;

依近年 C# 卯起來發明語法糖的趨勢,直覺有更精簡的寫法,查了一下,真有 - throw Expression

C# 7 起 (.NET 4.7+,C# 與 .NET 版本對照表),throw new SomeException(...) 也能當成運算式(Expression),串接在 ??、? : 之中,或當成 => 指向的運算式主體(Expression Body)。於是上述程式碼在 C# 7+ 可簡寫成以下形式:

public Profile GetProfile(string name) => 
	string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? throw new ArgumentException($"name cannot be empty or null") :
        Profiles.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name == name) 
            ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find profile for {name}");


public class Profile 
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string SomeProp { get; set; }

List<Profile> Profiles = new List<Profile> {
	new Profile { Name = "Jeffrey" },
	new Profile { Name = "darkthread" }

public Profile GetProfile(string name) => 
	string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? throw new ArgumentException($"name cannot be empty or null") :
    Profiles.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name == name) 
    ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find profile for {name}");

void Main()
	Action<string> test = (name) => {
			var p = GetProfile(name);	
			Console.WriteLine($"PASS - {p.Name}");
		catch (Exception ex) {
			Console.WriteLine($"ERR - {name} / {ex.Message}");


# by kk

我比較想要這個 private void aa() { } catch (...) { } catch () { } finally { }

# by Jeffrey

to Cash, 謝謝補充。(C# 10/.NET 6 起可用)

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