簽入TFS Service時發生SSL連線錯誤
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臨上班前想把自己小專案的修改Check In到TFS Service,反覆試了好幾次,一直冒出以下錯誤,搞到差點遲到:
Multiple errors occurred during the operation, the first of which is displayed below. A full error list is available in the Output Window.
C:\TFS\Skype Tools\src\MSNCatgTool\MainWindow.xaml: The server encountered an unknown failure: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
由於昨天晚上抓最新版、簽出時一切正常,加上檢視TFS Service網站功能正常,直覺懷疑是修改到什麼地方或某些操作有誤,誤踩TFS地雷出錯。查了好一陣子沒頭緒,最後在stackoverflow查到熱騰騰的討論,有沒有這麼巧? 剛好遇上TFS服務故障,白白查了老半天。
但由此次經驗學到,未來遇類似情況可先檢查Azure Service服務狀態: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/support/service-dashboard/。
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