重新認識 C# [8] - C# 7 Tuple 解構、Pattern Match、in、Span<T>
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【本系列是我的 C# in Depth 第四版讀書筆記,背景故事在這裡】
C# 7 提供三種導入區域變數的新做法:Destruction (解構)、Pattern、Out 變數
解構是指將 Tuple 的元素拆解回獨立變數,C# 7 加入了簡潔寫法,深得我心,例如:
var tuple = (10, "text");
var (n1, t1) = tuple;
// 以下寫法跟宣告新 ValueTuple 變數 (int n2, stirng n2) x = tuple 很像,但意義完全不同
(int n2, string t2) = tuple;
int n3;
string t3;
(n3, t3) = tuple;
// 型別可以明確宣告,也可以用 var
(int n4, var t4) = tuple;
// n1-n3 皆為 10,t1-t3 皆為 "text"
Console.WriteLine($"n1: {n1}; t1: {t1}");
Console.WriteLine($"n2: {n2}; t2: {t2}");
Console.WriteLine($"n3: {n3}; t3: {t3}");
Console.WriteLine($"n4: {n4}; t4: {t4}");
// 接其他方法傳回結果
(avg, min, max) = Calculate();
// 型別宣告不能內外混用
var (a, long b, name) = blah(); //不合法
// 不想要的資料丟給 _
var tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4);
var (x, y, _, _) = tuple;
//Error CS0103: The name ’_’ doesn’t exist in the current context
// 你還是先宣告 _ 把它當一般變數,但建議不要,就保留它用來接廢棄資料
// 現有變數及新變數混用
int x = -1;
(x, int y) = (1, 2);
延伸閱讀:C# 區域函式傳回多元資料的做法選擇
public sealed class Point
public double X { get; }
public double Y { get; }
public Point(double x, double y) => (X, Y) = (x, y);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("12345");
StringBuilder original = builder;
(builder, builder.Length) =
(new StringBuilder("67890"), 3);
Console.WriteLine(original); //"123"
Console.WriteLine(builder); //"67890"
// builder 是區域變數可以直接指定,builder.Length 是屬性,要修改會產生一個暫存變數
// 想成
StringBuilder tmp = builder;
(StringBuilder, int) tuple = (new StringBuilder("67890"), 3);
builder = tuple.Item1;
tmp.Length = tuple.Item2;
Tuple Literal 解構
// 也可用在 Func (但我個人覺得可讀性沒有很好,不推)
(string text, Func<int, int> func) = (null, x => x * 2);
(text, func) = ("text", x => x * 3);
// 轉型有效性跟一般 byte x = 5 相同
(byte x, byte y) = (5, 10); // 可以
非 Tuple 要解構的話,需實作 Deconstruct() 方法:
// Point 實作Deconstruct方法
public void Deconstruct(out double x, out double y)
x = X;
y = Y;
// 比照建講式的簡潔的寫法
public Point(double x, double y) => (X, Y) = (x, y);
public void Deconstruct(out double x, out double y) => (x, y) = (X, Y);
var point = new Point(1.5, 20);
// 解構時呼叫 Deconstruct()
var (x, y) = point;
Console.WriteLine($"x = {x}");
Console.WriteLine($"y = {y}");
// 也可以用擴充方法變魔術 (考慮多載)
static void Deconstruct(
this DateTime dateTime,
out int year, out int month, out int day) =>
(year, month, day) =
(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day);
static void Deconstruct(
this DateTime dateTime,
out int year, out int month, out int day,
out int hour, out int minute, out int second) =>
(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) =
(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day,
dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, dateTime.Second);
static void Main()
DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1976, 6, 19);
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) = now;
(year, month, day) = birthday;
Pattern Match 在 Functional 語言用很久了,C# 7 開始導入。
// 情境多時 switch
static double Perimeter(Shape shape)
switch (shape)
case null:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));
case Rectangle rect: // 型別相符的話,放入 rect 變數
return 2 * (rect.Height + rect.Width);
case Circle circle:
return 2 * PI * circle.Radius;
case Triangle tri:
return tri.SideA + tri.SideB + tri.SideC;
throw new ArgumentException(...);
// 情境少用 is
static void CheckType<T>(object value)
if (value is T t)
Console.WriteLine($"Yes! {t} is a {typeof(T)}");
Console.WriteLine($"No! {value ?? "null"} is not a {typeof(T)}");
static void Main()
// 用 is 判斷型別跟內容
static void Match(object input)
if (input is "hello")
Console.WriteLine("Input is string hello");
else if (input is 5L)
Console.WriteLine("Input is long 5");
else if (input is 10)
Console.WriteLine("Input is int 10");
Console.WriteLine("Input didn't match hello, long 5 or int 10");
static void Main()
Match(10L); //注意 10L(long) 不是 10(int),object.Equals(x, 10) == false
Pattern Match 中使用 var
static double Perimeter(Shape shape)
switch (shape ?? CreateRandomShape())
case Rectangle rect:
return 2 * (rect.Height + rect.Width);
case Circle circle:
return 2 * PI * circle.Radius;
case Triangle triangle:
return triangle.SideA + triangle.SideB + triangle.SideC;
case var actualShape:
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Shape type {actualShape.GetType()} perimeter unknown");
is 時同時宣告變數讓程式更簡潔:
int length = GetObject() is string text ? text.Length : -1;
is 失敗,區域變數仍會宣告,這有時是優點:
if (input is string text)
Console.WriteLine("Input was already a string; using that");
else if (input is StringBuilder builder)
// 上面 is 沒成立,仍會宣告 text 變數可供利用
Console.WriteLine("Input was a StringBuilder; using that");
text = builder.ToString();
$"Unable to use value of type ${input.GetType()}. Enter text:");
//填入 Fallback 內容
text = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"Final result: {text}");
switch 加入 when 條件(Guard Clause):
static int Fib(int n)
switch (n)
case 0: return 0;
case 1: return 1;
case var _ when n > 1: return Fib(n - 2) + Fib(n - 1);
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
nameof(n), "Input must be non-negative");
private string GetUid(TypeReference type, bool useTypeArgumentNames)
switch (type)
// 跟傳統 switch 不同,case 的順序會影響結果
case ByReferenceType brt:
return $"{GetUid(brt.ElementType, useTypeArgumentNames)}@";
// gp 只在 case Body 內有效
case GenericParameter gp when useTypeArgumentNames:
return gp.Name;
case GenericParameter gp when gp.DeclaringType != null:
return $"`{gp.Position}";
case GenericParameter gp when gp.DeclaringMethod != null:
return $"``{gp.Position}";
case GenericParameter gp:
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unhandled generic parameter");
case GenericInstanceType git:
return "(This part of the real code is long and irrelevant)";
return type.FullName.Replace('/', '.');
static void CheckBounds(object input)
switch (input)
case int x when x > 1000:
case long y when y > 10000L:
// 無法使用 x 或 y,不知道哪一個有值
// CS0165 Use of unassigned local variable 'x'
Console.WriteLine("Value is too large");
case int x when x < -1000:
case long y when y < -10000L:
Console.WriteLine("Value is too low");
Console.WriteLine("Value is in range");
Ref 區域變數
int x = 10;
ref int y = ref x;
int z = 20;
y = ref z; // C# 7.3 之前不允許重設定
var array = new (int x, int y)[10];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = (i, i);
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
// ValueTuple 是 Struct
// 若 var elem = array[i] 會 Copy 一份,改完還要 array[i] = elem
// 再不然就是 array[i].x++, array[i].y *= 2
ref var element = ref array[i];
element.y *= 2;
// 唯讀欄位限制
class MixedVariables
private int writableField;
private readonly int readonlyField;
public void TryIncrementBoth()
ref int x = ref writableField;
// CS0192 A readonly field cannot be used as a ref or out value (except in a constructor)
ref int y = ref readonlyField; //不允許
// 只接受 Identity Conversion
(int x, int y) tuple1 = (10, 20);
ref (int a, int b) tuple2 = ref tuple1; // Identity Conversion,允許
tuple2.a = 30;
Ref Return
static void Main()
int x = 10;
ref int y = ref RefReturn(ref x);
static ref int RefReturn(ref int p)
// Compiler 會檢查 ref return 的對象不是在函式生出來的,而且會繼續存在
return ref p;
// Indexer
class ArrayHolder
private readonly int[] array = new int[10];
public ref int this[int index] => ref array[index];
static void Main()
ArrayHolder holder = new ArrayHolder();
ref int x = ref holder[0];
ref int y = ref holder[0];
x = 20;
// 結合 Conditional ?: Operator
static (int even, int odd) CountEvenAndOdd(IEnumerable<int> values)
var result = (even: 0, odd: 0);
foreach (var value in values)
ref int counter = ref (value & 1) == 0 ?
ref result.even : ref result.odd;
return result;
// C# 7.2 新增 ref readonly
static readonly int field = DateTime.UtcNow.Second;
static ref readonly int GetFieldAlias() => ref field;
static void Main()
ref readonly int local = ref GetFieldAlias();
C# 7.2 加入 in 參數,增加效能,但要留意傳 ref 會有過程中被其他來源修改的副作用,宜斟酌
// in 相當於 ref readonly,但呼叫端不需加註 in 也會套用
// IL 層會加上 [IsReadOnlyAttribute]
static void PrintDateTime(in DateTime value)
string text = value.ToString(
static void Main()
DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
PrintDateTime(in start);
PrintDateTime(start.AddMinutes(1)); //複製到隱藏區域變數送過去
PrintDateTime(in start.AddMinutes(1)); //不允許
C# 7.2 Readonly Struct
public struct YearMonthDay
public int Year { get; }
public int Month { get; }
public int Day { get; }
public YearMonthDay(int year, int month, int day) =>
(Year, Month, Day) = (year, month, day);
class ImplicitFieldCopy
private readonly YearMonthDay readOnlyField =
new YearMonthDay(2018, 3, 1);
private YearMonthDay readWriteField =
new YearMonthDay(2018, 3, 1);
public void CheckYear()
// IL 層有額外的複製動作
int readOnlyFieldYear = readOnlyField.Year;
int readWriteFieldYear = readWriteField.Year;
// C# 7.2 可在 struct 前加 readonly,IL 層動作會簡化
// 並強制 Compiler 檢查 Struct 行為都是唯讀的
public readonly struct YearMonthDay
public int Year { get; }
public int Month { get; }
public int Day { get; }
public YearMonthDay(int year, int month, int day) =>
(Year, Month, Day) = (year, month, day);
在擴充方法使用 in 及 ref
public static double Magnitude(this in Vector3D vec) =>
Math.Sqrt(vec.X * vec.X + vec.Y * vec.Y + vec.Z * vec.Z);
// ref 及 in 省去複製成本
public static void OffsetBy(this ref Vector3D orig, in Vector3D off) =>
orig = new Vector3D(orig.X + off.X, orig.Y + off.Y, orig.Z + off.Z);
var vector = new Vector3D(1.5, 2.0, 3.0);
var offset = new Vector3D(5.0, 2.5, -1.0);
Console.WriteLine($"({vector.X}, {vector.Y}, {vector.Z})");
// 宣告成 ref readonly 後不能呼叫 OffsetBy,因為 origin 是 ref,唯讀不符要求
ref readonly var alias = ref vector;
alias.OffsetBy(offset); //Error: trying to use a read-only variable as ref
// in ref 只適用 Value Type,以下做法不行
static void Method(this ref string target) // string 不是 Value Type
static void Method<T>(this ref T target) where T : IComparable<T> // 要 where T : struct,IComparable<T>
static void Method<T>(this in string target)
static void Method<T>(this in T target) where T : struct // in 不能放在型別參數上
static void Method<T>(this in Guid target, T other) // 這個可以
C# 7.2 Ref-Like Struct 永遠存放在 Stack
public ref struct RefLikeStruct
限制很多:(反正 Compiler 說不行就是不行)
- 不能當成非 Ref-Like Struct 的欄位,否則會導致儲存到 Heap 的行為。即使當成 Ref-Like Struct 的欄位,也不能是靜態的。
- 不可以 Boxing,如:object x = refLikeStruct;
- 不可以當成型別參數 (T) x、List<T>
- 不可以 typeof(RefLikeStruct[])
- 不能被捕捉(Closure)
(Jon 坦承他也不是很懂...)
Span<T> 是 Ref-Like Struct,以更有效率的方法存取記憶體資料。可以 Split,不需要複製資料就切割一段出來,新版 JIT 有針對 Span<T> 做了最佳化,能大幅提升效能。
// 亂數字串產生器
static string Generate(string alphabet, Random random, int length)
char[] chars = new char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[random.Next(alphabet.Length)];
return new string(chars);
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
Random random = new Random();
Console.WriteLine(Generate(alphabet, random, 10));
// Unsafe 版
unsafe static string Generate(string alphabet, Random random, int length)
char* chars = stackalloc char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[random.Next(alphabet.Length)];
return new string(chars);
// Span<T> 版本,不用 unsafe 做到一樣的事,但仍有複製行為發生
static string Generate(string alphabet, Random random, int length)
Span<char> chars = stackalloc char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[random.Next(alphabet.Length)];
return new string(chars);
// String.<TState>(int length, TState state, SpanAction<char, TState> action)
// delegate void SpanAction<T, in TArg>(Span<T> span, TArg arg);
// 配置一段記憶體,建立 Span 指向字串內容記憶體,呼叫 action 填值
static string Generate(string alphabet, Random random, int length) =>
// 準備一個 (alphabet, random) Tuple 當成 TState 傳給 action
// 這麼做是為了避免捕捉變數 Compiler 建立 Conetxt 物件,一堆 Heap 動作
// 當 Lambda 不用捕捉時,用 static 方法就可以了
string.Create(length, (alphabet, random), (span, state) =>
var alphabet2 = state.alphabet;
var random2 = state.random;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
span[i] = alphabet2[random2.Next(alphabet2.Length)];
除了 Span<T>,還有 ReadOnlySpan<T>、Memory<T>、ReadOnlyMemory<T>,但水太深了,超出本書範圍。
C# 7.3 加入 stackalloc、Pattern-Based fixed
Span<int> span = stackalloc int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
int* pointer = stackalloc int[] { 4, 5, 6 };
fixed (int* ptr = value)
My notes for C# in Depth part 9
# by klcintw
最後一段「除了 Sapn<T>」應為Span<T>。
# by Jeffrey
to klcintw,謝,已修正。
# by tim
"swith 加入 when 條件(Guard Clause): " ,swith 應為 switch ?
# by Jeffrey
to tim, 感謝,已校正。
# by Juro
Memroy<T> 應為 Memory<T>
# by Jeffrey
to Juro, 感謝,已更正。