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在高齡七歲的ThinkPad T43筆電爺爺上試裝Windows 8 Release Preview,原以為會因硬體過於老舊吃點苦頭,沒想到除了l顯示晶片(Intel 915GM)因原廠不支援XP之後Windows的驅動程式有點問題(後遺症是無法Sleep[睡眠],只能Hibernation[休眠]),安裝過程算是挺順利的。看到Windows 8能跑在七年前的硬體上,實際操作的流暢度不輸Windows 7,甚至看到Win7時代因顯卡不夠力不給用的Aero特效,著實感動了一下。
之前都是在VM裡試用Windows 8,第一次安裝在實體機器上,而且還是螢幕貼手的筆電,在使用Metro界面時,手指老不自主會想伸向螢幕戳點拖拉一下... XD
接著安裝Visual Studio 2012 RC與Office 2013 Preview,準備一口氣來個Windows 8 + VS2012 + Office 2013預覽版本大三元。但啟動VS2012時,冒出以下錯誤訊息:
The procedure entry point_Atomic_fetch_sub_4 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
查了一下,原來是Office 2013 Preview踩了VS2012 RC一腳,安裝了最新版本的C++ Runtime,造成VS2012 RC不相容(參考)。解決方法是安裝VS2012 RC更新-KB2703187(還在RC版就有更新,厲害吧?),其中有個Improvement 1是關鍵:
This update addresses incompatibility issues that are caused by installing later versions of the C++ Runtime on a machine with Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate. The update ensures that the Visual Studio executable file loads the compatible C++ Runtime DLLs in the app-local directory instead of loading the incompatible C++ Runtime DLLs that are installed by other applications in the system-wide directories
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