CODE-自動產生投影片縮圖索引的PowerPoint VBA
| | 4 | | ![]() |
Excel/Word VBA寫過不少,頭一次寫PowerPoint VBA,拿出來分享一下。
Option Explicit
Sub BuildIndex()
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sCurrentPath As String, sTempPath As String
sCurrentPath = ActivePresentation.Path
sTempPath = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
Dim pptIndex As Presentation, pptToOpen As Presentation
Set pptIndex = ActivePresentation
Dim I As Integer, S As Slide, ImgFile As String
Dim iGlobalIndex As Integer, iIndexPerPage As Integer
Dim iPngWidth As Integer, iPngHeight As Integer
Dim sldIndex As Slide, picInserted As Shape
Dim iDimCount As Integer, iIndexAtPage As Integer
While pptIndex.Slides.Count > 1
Set sldIndex = pptIndex.Slides(1)
While (sldIndex.Shapes.Count > 0)
Dim pptLayout As CustomLayout
Set pptLayout = pptIndex.Slides(1).CustomLayout
iIndexPerPage = 4
iDimCount = iIndexPerPage ^ 0.5
iPngWidth = pptIndex.PageSetup.SlideWidth / iDimCount
iPngHeight = pptIndex.PageSetup.SlideHeight / iDimCount
iGlobalIndex = 0
Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim FileItem As Scripting.File
Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(sCurrentPath & "\Slides")
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
If InStr(LCase(FileItem.Name), "index") = 0 Then
Set pptToOpen = Presentations.Open(FileItem.Path, WithWindow:=msoFalse)
I = 0
ImgFile = sTempPath & "\" & Split(FileItem.Name, ".")(0) & "_" & I & ".png"
For Each S In pptToOpen.Slides
iIndexAtPage = iGlobalIndex Mod iIndexPerPage
If (iIndexAtPage = 0) Then
Set sldIndex = pptIndex.Slides.AddSlide(pptIndex.Slides.Count, pptLayout)
End If
S.Export ImgFile, FilterName:="PNG", _
ScaleWidth:=iPngWidth * 1.2, ScaleHeight:=iPngHeight * 1.2
Set picInserted = sldIndex.Shapes.AddPicture(ImgFile, Linktofile:=msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=(iIndexAtPage Mod iDimCount) * iPngWidth, _
Top:=(iIndexAtPage \ iDimCount) * iPngHeight, _
Width:=iPngWidth, Height:=iPngHeight)
With picInserted.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = FileItem.Name
End With
I = I + 1
iGlobalIndex = iGlobalIndex + 1
FSO.DeleteFile ImgFile
End If
pptIndex.SaveCopyAs sCurrentPath & "\Slides\Index.ppt", _
ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation, msoFalse
End Sub
# by Leonboy
謝謝大大的分享, 對我們作專案的人很受用, 對我好似無法直接套用在 PPT 2007 中, 請問除了一些 COM object 要作 reference, 還要注意那些? 謝謝解答 ^^
# by Jeffrey
to Leonboy, 文中的程式碼是寫在PPT2007的VBA,不過因為使用Early-Binding方式呼叫Scripting.FileSystemObject,在專案裡要參照"Microsoft Scripting Runtime" (scrrun.dll)。
# by Yangjie
Excel 用VBA將**.jpg 像素縮小並另存新檔 可否指導 不勝感激
# by Jeffrey
to Yangjie, 在VBA要將JPG檔轉為縮圖,我認為借助第三方元件會是最簡便的做法,不過VBA領域我涉獵不多,抱歉無法提供更具體建議。另一個思考方向是,借用.NET的圖檔處理功能自行寫個小函數再包成COM+供VBA呼叫,也是種解法。