Mini jQuery Lab Online
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Mini jQuery Lab is a handy HTML page to test simple Javascript and jQuery. It is useful when you want to verify uncertain Javascript syntax or test new jQuery APIs you just learned.
Write CSS, document.body's HTML and script, then you can see the result by one click, it's faster and easier to get answer then using Visual Studio 2008 or other powerful but compicated IDE.
This test page is originally a demonstration tool in my jQuery tutorials on MSDN Taiwan. After posting the introduce of Mini jQuery Lab, I was surprised that serveral friends inquired about its download and license issue, as well as I had plan to enhance the features for the future tutorials, so I decide to turn it to be an online service to provide the latest version of Mini jQuery Lab to Internet, you can find it on
The usage of Mini jQuery Lab is quite simple, just input CSS styles, body's HTML tags, and type Javascript code in three separated textareas, click "Execute" button, then you get the result (or the answer). The jquery.1.3.1.js is included and the code you type will be included in a $(function() { ... }); block, so you can use $() directly.
The "View HTML Source" button on the top will the show the final full-page HTML source, you can use SyntaxHighlighter's powerful clipboard feature to save it as a standalone web page for latter test.
Elijah Manor has an excellent introduction about Mini jQuery Lab, too.
If you find any bug, have any suggestion or idea, please leave your comment here.
Revision Notes
Ver 1.2 on 2009-2-14
** Make view HTML source function workable on Firefox
** Add "About" link with ThickBox plugin for online version
# by 毛豆
# by KEN
建議您將註解、版權寫更詳細一些,像 網址、作者、email、版權條款....等等。
# by TeYoU
最近發現跟miniJqueryLab 很像的東西,當然這個比較肥.. js.Fiddle
# by hana
您好, 因為工作上需要用到jqery,從你的邊做邊學jquery影片受益良多。但我找不到demo的下載檔,不知道你是否還有保留? 可以分享給我嗎? uv,4uv,4
# by Jeffrey
to hana,範例檔案可至備份網站: 下載。
# by Aquila
黑暗大您好, 抱歉,您於提供的備份下載網站鏈結,點進去後已經變成〝Server Error〞,不知道是否還能提供載點呢?感謝呢!
# by Jeffrey
to Aquila, 發現是網頁檔案有點問題,已經修復。謝謝你的通報。