
過去面對這種問題,我慣用的做法先定義一個Dictionary<string, List<T>>,使用 foreach 逐筆抓取來源資料,從中取出鍵值(例如:客戶編號),先檢查鍵值是否已存在於Dictionary,若無則新増一筆並建立空的List<T>,確保Dictionary有該鍵值專屬List<T>,將資料放入List<T>。執行完畢得到以鍵值分類的List<T>,再進行後續處理。

foreach + Dictionary寫法用了好幾年,前幾天才忽然想到,這不就是SQL語法中的GROUP BY嗎?加上LINQ有ToDictionary, GroupBy(o => o.客戶編號).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList()) 一行就搞定了呀!阿呆。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace LinqTip
    class Program
        public enum Teams
            Valor, Mystic, Instinct, Dark
        public class Trainer
            public Teams Team;
            public string Name;
            public Trainer(Teams team, string name)
                Team = team; Name = name;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Trainer> trainers = new List<Trainer>()
                new Trainer(Teams.Valor, "Candela"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Valor, "Bob"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Mystic, "Blanche"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Valor, "Alice"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Instinct, "Spark"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Mystic, "Tom"),
                new Trainer(Teams.Dark, "Jeffrey")
            //最終產出Dictionary<Teams, List<Trainer>>
            var res1 = new Dictionary<Teams, List<Trainer>>();
            foreach (var t in trainers)
                if (!res1.ContainsKey(t.Team))
                    res1.Add(t.Team, new List<Trainer>());
            //新寫法,使用LINQ GroupBy
            var res2 =
                trainers.GroupBy(o => o.Team)
                .ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());


不過,GroupBy().ToDictionary() 做法適用分類現有資料,若之後要陸續接收新增資料,仍可回歸 foreach + Dictionary<string, List<T>> 寫法。

[2016-08-24補充] 感謝Phoenix補充,LINQ還有更簡潔的做法:ToLookup(o > o.Teams, o => o),其產出的型別為ILookup,以Key分組的Value集合,與Dictionary最大的差異是ILookup屬唯讀性質,事後不能變更或修改集合項目。


# by Phoenix

另一種寫法 var res3 = trainers.ToLookup(o => o.Team, o => o);

# by 小安

倒數第二行的 OrderBy().ToDictionary() 是筆誤 原本是GroupBy().ToDictionary() 嗎 ?

# by Jeffrey

to Phoenix, 學習了!感謝補充,已加入本文。 to 小安,是的,我又寫錯了(大概是早上還沒睡飽 Orz),謝謝指正。

# by Holey

第三段開頭是不是筆誤呢 (foreah -> foreach )

# by Jeffrey

to Holey, 西滴,謝謝指正。

# by Jack

如果想要自訂群組可以用類似 string[] StringSet={ 字串集合…… }; var query1=StringSet.GroupBy(s=>s,new StringComparer()); 那如果不想用Lambda運算式 想要用 查詢運算式 var query2=from S in StringSet group S by new StringComparer(); 但這樣跑出的結果很奇怪 請問要如何修改?

# by Jeffrey

to Jack, 較常見的GroupBy應用是每筆資料有多個欄位,依其中某個欄位對資料做分組,不太明白你所說將單純字串陣列做GroupBy的情境,能再提供更具體的範例嗎?

# by Jack

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Test_String_Group_ { class StringComparer:IEqualityComparer<string> { public bool Equals(string x,string y) { return GetHashCode(x) == GetHashCode(y); } public int GetHashCode(string String) { return String.Length; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] S = { "A12", "A123", "B12", "C12", "B123", "A1234", "B1234", "C123", "C1234" }; var query = from s in S group s by new StringComparer(); /*var query = S.GroupBy(s => s, new StringComparer());*/ foreach(var group in query) { Console.WriteLine(group.Key + " : "); foreach(var item in group) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } Console.Read(); } } } 用Lambda 執行的結果是正確的 但用LINQ執行出來是錯的

# by Jeffrey

to Jack, 依我所知,GroupBy() 允許自訂 IEqualityComparer,group by 後方接的應是比對值而不是比對邏輯物件,所以結果才會跟你預期的不一樣。如果一定要寫成類 SQL 語法,我想到最接近的解法是寫成 var query = from s in S group s by s.Length。

# by Jack

如果一定要用IEqualityComparer自訂群組 且用類似SQL的寫法 要如何寫

# by Jeffrey

to Jack, 我個人的看法是無解,即使有解,其複雜度與成本應會令人卻步。

# by 喵大王

不好意思,想請教問題。 LinqPad程式碼如下: 為什麼我最後的select g,無法改成g.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.ToList()) void Main() { AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice ip1 = new AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice() { ItemName = "Book1", Price = 1170 }; AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice ip2 = new AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice() { ItemName = "Book2", Price = 3960 }; AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice ip3 = new AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice() { ItemName = "Phone3", Price = 5000 }; AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice ip4 = new AuctionItemSuscriber.ItemPrice() { ItemName = "Book2", Price = 3333 }; AuctionItemSuscriber user1 = new AuctionItemSuscriber() { User = "user1", SuscribeItem = { ip1, ip2, ip3 } }; AuctionItemSuscriber user2 = new AuctionItemSuscriber() { User = "user2", SuscribeItem = { ip4 } }; List<AuctionItemSuscriber> allUsers = new List<AuctionItemSuscriber>(); allUsers.Add (user1); allUsers.Add (user2); var selectQ = from u in allUsers from i in u.SuscribeItem group new { u.User, i.ItemName, i.Price } by i.ItemName into g select g; // 這裡的Select g為什麼無法改成 g.ToDictionary (q => q.Key, q=> q.ToList()) // 結果就是需在下面的迴圈另外修改。 foreach (var s in selectQ.ToDictionary (q => q.Key, q=> q.ToList())) { Console.WriteLine (s); } } public class AuctionItemSuscriber { public class ItemPrice { public string ItemName; public int Price; public override string ToString() { return $"{ItemName} ${Price.ToString ("N0")}"; } } public string User; public List<ItemPrice> SuscribeItem = new List<ItemPrice> (256); }

# by Jeffrey

to 喵大王,ToDictionary() 是 IEnumerable<T> 的擴充方法,我用 Console.WriteLine(selectQ.First().GetType()); 查詢 g 的型別是 System.Linq.Lookup`2+Grouping[System.String,<>f__AnonymousType1`3[System.String,System.String,System.Int32]],屬於 IGrouping<TKey, TElement> ( 參考: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dotnet/api/system.linq.igrouping-2?view=netframework-4.8 ),故不適用 ToDictionary()

# by 喵大王

原來如此,感謝Jeffrey 大大佛心的回應,感恩。

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