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Do not end a file or directory name with a space or a period. Although the underlying file system may support such names, the Windows shell and user interface does not. However, it is acceptable to specify a period as the first character of a name. For example, ".temp".
只是,其中也提到這個限制是來自Windows Shell層,部分檔案系統可以接受,於是,我們可能會看到如下情況。在InvFileName目錄下有一個機車檔案"TrailingPeriod.”、兩個機車目錄"TrailingSpace "跟"DirTrailingPeriod.",DIR可以看到,卻無法檢視目錄或檔案內容,不能更名也沒辦法刪除,不管用命令列指令或是開檔案總管都束手無策,讓人充滿無力感!
D:\InvFileName>dir Volume in drive D has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of D:\InvFileName 2012/12/14 下午 08:26 <DIR> . 2012/12/14 下午 08:26 <DIR> .. 2012/12/14 下午 08:27 7 TrailingPeriod. 2012/12/14 下午 08:29 <DIR> TrailingSpace 2012/12/14 下午 08:30 <DIR> DirTrailingPeriod. 1 File(s) 7 bytes 4 Dir(s) 3,907,305,472 bytes free D:\InvFileName>type TrailingPeriod. The system cannot find the file specified. D:\InvFileName>dir "TrailingSpace " Volume in drive D has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of D:\InvFileName File Not Found D:\InvFileName>dir DirTrailingPeriod. Volume in drive D has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of D:\InvFileName File Not Found
爬文許久,好不容易摸索出正確關鍵字"Trailing Period",才露出曙光...
微軟有篇KB 您無法刪除 NTFS 檔案系統磁碟區上的檔案或資料夾 提到了"\\? \x:\folder_name\invalid_filename”URI表示法,經測試果然可以克服問題,但卻發現,這招對句點結尾的目錄似乎無效(如下方黃字區所示),最後繞了個彎,使用"8.3短名稱"密技,推測出"DirTrailingPeriod."的8.3短名為"DirTra~1",總算成功存取目錄。
D:\InvFileName>type "\\?\d:\InvFileName\TrailingPeriod." Cool!!! D:\InvFileName>dir "\\?\d:\InvFileName\TrailingSpace " /w Volume in drive \\?\d: has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of \\?\d:\InvFileName\TrailingSpace [.] [..] 0 File(s) 0 bytes 2 Dir(s) 3,907,309,568 bytes free D:\InvFileName>dir "\\?\d:\InvFileName\DirTrailingPeriod." /w Volume in drive \\?\d: has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of \\?\d:\InvFileName\DirTrailingPeriod File Not Found D:\InvFileName>dir "\\?\d:\InvFileName\DirTra~1" /w Volume in drive \\?\d: has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0F24-3000 Directory of \\?\d:\InvFileName\DirTra~1 [.] [..] 0 File(s) 0 bytes 2 Dir(s) 3,907,309,568 bytes free
# by mj
dir /x 短名稱立即現型,不需推敲
# by alexyeh09@gmail.com
# by Jeffrey
to mj, dir /x這招好用(抄筆記...),感謝分享