Coding4Fun - 寫個 dynamic 變形蟲物件
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11 年前玩過用 ExpandoObject + dynamic 彈性處理屬性(參考:既然要動態就動個痛快 - ExpandoObject),6 年前見識到 DapperRow 靠實作 IDynamicMetaObjectProvider 憑空捏造物件行為供 dynamic 存取的奇妙手法。最近在讀 C# in Depth,重新認識 dynamic 原理,決定寫個自訂變形蟲物件用 dyanmic 玩一下。
這個變形蟲物件的規格構想如下:傳入一個 Dictionary<string, object> 指定預設屬性,建立彈性物件後指定成 dynamic 形別,透過 flexObject.PropName 可讀取值,未設定過的傳回 null;flexObject.ExisintPropName = XXX 更新屬性,flexObject.NewPropName = XXX 指定新屬性。
方法部分比較酷,可以 Say("Hello, World!") 印出 Hello, World!,SayHello() 印出 "Hello"、SayGoodbye() 印出 "Goodbye",Say 後面可以接任意文字當方法名稱,Say***() 會將 *** 忠實顯示出來,這就有點意思了。另外,為了方便程式列舉所有屬性,再實作了一個 string[] GetProperties 及索引子 object this[string propertyName]。
using System.Reflection;
using MyDynaObject;
//用 Dictionary<string, object> 傳入預設屬性建立 FlexDynaObject
dynamic flexObject = new FlexDynaObject(new Dictionary<string, object>{
["Name"] = "Jeffrey"
flexObject.Score = 32767;
flexObject.Say("Hello World!");
// 另建一個沒有預設屬性的物件
flexObject = new FlexDynaObject();
flexObject.Prop1 = "Prop1Value";
flexObject.Prop2 = "Prop2Value";
flexObject.Prop3 = "Prop3Value";
foreach (var propName in flexObject.GetProperties())
程式要怎麼寫呢?\FlexDynaObject 的原理是繼承 DynamicObject 型別,覆寫實作 TryGetMember()、TrySetMember() 模擬屬性讀寫、實作 TryGetIndex() 模擬索引子讀取 (flexObject["PropName"] 讀屬性值)、TryInvokeMember() 則偵測 InvokeMemberBinder.Name 實作 Say()、Say*()、GetProperties() 三個方法。基底類別 DynamicObject 跟 DapperRow 一樣有實作 IDynamicMetaObjectProvider,故可透過 dynamic 順利存取。程式不複雜,大家也可以玩看看,Have Fun!
using System.Dynamic;
namespace MyDynaObject;
public class FlexDynaObject : DynamicObject
private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _props;
public FlexDynaObject(Dictionary<string, object> props = null)
_props = props ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = _props.ContainsKey(binder.Name) ? _props[binder.Name] : null;
return true;
public override bool TryGetIndex(GetIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes, out object result)
var propName = indexes[0].ToString();
result = _props.ContainsKey(propName) ? _props[propName] : null;
return true;
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
_props[binder.Name] = value.ToString();
return true;
public override bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
result = null!;
if (binder.Name == "Say")
return true;
else if (binder.Name.StartsWith("Say"))
return true;
else if (binder.Name == "GetProperties")
result = _props.Keys;
return true;
throw new NotImplementedException();
A example implemented with DynamicObject to provide dyanmic propery access and dyamic name methods.
# by Ike
_props = props ?? new Dictionary<string, object>(); 寫了兩次,是誤寫嗎?
# by Jeffrey
to lke, 是的,謝謝提醒。