VS 2008 Hot-Fix Roll-Up
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在Scott Gu的Blog看到VS2008出了Hotfix Roll-up(Roll-up差不多就像Hotfix懶人包,可省去得逐一安裝的麻煩)的消息,看了一下它所修理的Bug,主要都是集中在HTML編輯相關的功能:
HTML Source view performance
- Source editor freezes for a few seconds when typing in a page with a custom control that has more than two levels of sub-properties.
- “View Code” right-click context menu command takes a long time to appear with web application projects.
- Visual Studio has very slow behavior when opening large HTML documents.
- Visual Studio has responsiveness issues when working with big HTML files with certain markup.
- The Tab/Shift-Tab (Indent/Un-indent) operation is slow with large HTML selections.
Design view performance
- Slow typing in design view with certain page markup configurations.
HTML editing
- Quotes are not inserted after Class or CssClass attribute even when the option is enabled.
- Visual Studio crashes when ServiceReference element points back to the current web page.
JavaScript editing
- When opening a JavaScript file, colorization of the client script is sometimes delayed several seconds.
- JavaScript IntelliSense does not work if an empty string property is encountered before the current line of editing.
- JavaScript IntelliSense does not work when jQuery is used.
Web Site build performance
- Build is very slow when Bin folder contains large number of assemblies and .refresh files with web-site projects.
從VS 2005切換到VS 2008後,一直覺得Web Design View點選不同的Control時,Properties Window的反應很慢,常要等個幾秒才會切換到新點選的Control。在Souce View編輯HTML Tag時,也常有拖拍的感覺,總之整體操作過程很不順暢。害我一度以為才買一年的Core 2 Duo E6400 CPU已經玩不起VS 2008這個大傢伙,差點興起掏錢升級的衝動(另一個催敗的理由是現在的RAM真是便宜到不行,好想把機器升到8G)。
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Update @ 2008-02-22
經網友James, Eric反應,我再仔細看了該文章的回文,發現該Patch並非Scott原先以為的跨語系,而只適用英文與日文版,裝中文版的朋友要再等等。
Update 2008-03-28 該Hotfix已支援中文囉, 謝謝網友James提供情資
# by James
請問你要在VS 2008 pro 或VSTS 2008 繁體中文版更新過此HotFix嗎? 我試著更新都顯示我沒有安裝任何VS 2008的版本,不知道有沒有解決方法?
# by Jeffrey
To James, 我看了ScottGu該文的相關回應,Scott說這個Patch應該沒有分語系(language neutral),也有人說在VS 2008 Pro裝會看到 "Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition – ENU (KB946581)",因此我想應中文版Pro也OK才是。不過我周遭沒有人裝中文版的VSTS,沒啥機會實證。 如果有裝中文版VSTS 2008的朋友成功安裝的,請出個聲!
# by eric
我用的版本是從MSDN上抓下來的 VS2008 Team System 中文版(Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM) 沒辦法裝耶 會出現"此電腦未安裝任何本軟體更新所針對的產品。按一下 [取消] 以結束安裝程式。"
# by Jeffrey
再仔細看了一下,ScottGu的Blog上有人反應在非英語系版本上不Work,ScottGu回頭去查才確認了: (Comment @ 2/11) We've discovered that the current patch only works for the English and Japanese editions of VS 2008. We are going to ship a patch that works for the other languages next week. 所以目前的Patch只能用在英文版跟日文版上,安裝中文版的朋友要等一等囉。
# by James
今天收到信,已經告知我可以在中文語系安裝Hotfix Hi James, Hotfix now supports all languages except POR (Portuguese) and RUS (Russian). You can download the updated hotfix from https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=10826. Note that the description still says ‘ENU’ although it is an ‘all-lang’ package. Due to some limitations on the connect website we were not able to change the description for already published hotfixes. We are working with the team that owns connect site to fix it. Thanks, _gvb
# by Jeffrey
To James, 謝謝提供消息,我已在本文中加上更新囉。